Springtime Mountain Light

Springtime Mountain Light

Commonwealth Creek and Commonwealth Peak (right), Mt Murray (left)62mm | 30s | f/8 | ISO 64 It’s been a bit since I’ve ventured out to the mountains. Sadly, I don’t get out that way as often as I used to due to the rising cost of fuel and inflation. I can...
Extreme closeup of indoor flowers

Extreme closeup of indoor flowers

A few years back I picked up some cheap extension tubes for closeup photography. If you don’t know what these do, you put these tubs which have no lenses inside, in between your camera and your lens. This extends the amount of space between the back element of the...
Searching for Snowy Owls

Searching for Snowy Owls

This time of year, the chances of finding Snowy Owls are much greater, at least near my home.  After last year’s great photographic outings with finding so many owls, was hopeful for more sightings this year. Now a big difference this year was the lack of snow...
Lake Ice Cracks with Ultra Wide Lens

Lake Ice Cracks with Ultra Wide Lens

I had a day to explore and practice some landscape photography, which was a wonderful time getting lost in nature.  With the lake frozen over, I was able to walk across the bay to a small island.  Along the beach of this island, I found these interesting cracks in the...
Mountain’s Iridescent Clouds

Mountain’s Iridescent Clouds

Around home we have had seasonly warm temperatures which makes sure the snow doesn’t stick around.  But a short drive from the foothills to the mountains transports you from autumn looking scenery to winter. A strong wind kept the clouds moving and on the...